Also stated as if you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.
This, I found to have truth in it.
However, one day, I thought I'd test it and see if it effects other people too.
Whilst working nightshift I decided to act (in mannerisms and such) as if I was the boss. To my amazement the real boss started asking me what to do!
I came to the amazing conclusion that expectations don't just create my outcome, but can influence others as well!!
This was amazing. But I have recentgly stumbled upon a paper supporting this. Here is an Abstract:
"Hundreds of research studies have demonstrated that one person's expectations for the behavior of another person can actually affect that other person's behavior"...
and the paper
Author: Rosenthal R.
Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Volume 12, Number 5, October 2003 , pp. 151-154(4)
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing